Only women can create the change we know we need...
If you've been looking for a modern flexible way to learn within a safe, elegant space that isn’t on social media; then this is for you!
Personal growth online either comes with male perspective, or a business package. My goal was to create a versatile space specifically for the development of women. Now, you can gain insight through monthly group coaching experiences, masterclasses, the private community forum, and so much more.
Maybe you're curious about working with a life coach, but afraid of the large investment, or just haven't found one yet. For all of these reasons I created an affordable, valuable, and convenient coaching program for women to make real personal growth and self discovery accessible and sustainable.
Master your mind, personal, and professional development with applied self coaching in 3 key areas that have created significant results in my life, as well as my clients. Feel like you're meant for more?
Start here my friend...I built this for you!
This one is for all things transformation and personal breakthroughs. Whether you've been out of the game or ready to take it up a notch, all you need is to be willing to do the work.
This is not the place or the space for chronic diets, but it IS the space new and innovative ways to help you grow and maintain a healthy body, mind, and identity!
In this sweet space we learn how to create lasting change in your brain by learning about how some basic science can support you where you want to go! Learn how new habits can help you form a new life.
Empower Your Self-Work
It's NEVER been easier to choose the path of self work and personal discovery when you kick off your membership experience by getting your own curated Bougie BoxTM, curated for you, by a woman like you. A complete mystery until you open it up, and it's like this for a reason!
When we work on ourselves, it takes action, doing things we've never done before, and going all in to discover amazingly sweet insights. So, within every Bougie BoxTM, each one of you will find a variety of my favorite things like;​
Custom 108 Mala Beads
Mala Bead Bracelets
Healing Crystals
A Small Totem or Statue
Essential Oils
An Affirmation Card
Incense & Tray
A Journal
A Planner
A Smooth Gliding Pen
Adorable Blue Light Glasses
Infused Candles
Here's what you'll get...
Proven Technique's
Discover yourself using a variety of creative exercises rooted in mindfulness, psychology, & basic neuroscience.
Purposeful Action
Explore all that you desire to become with questions and journaling exercises that will help you tap into what you really want.
Expert Access
Access to diverse guest experts like Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Neuroscientists, Authors, Business Experts, and other amazing coaches and speakers !
Begin Creating Your Vision
Determining what you truly want your life to look, feel, and be like. You'll also identify what you don't want it to feel like.
Validate Your Intuition
Leveraged your intuitive calling - finally tapping into your potential and giving it the room it needs to take root and grow
An intro to real Thought Work
Crafted a constructive thought work model - which will propel your vision, goals, and potential forward and out of stagnation
Membership Perks
Relax knowing that this is where accountability and ease are made possible in the coaching and transformation arena.
Podcast Request for answers to your burning questions
Access to EVERYTHING for ultimate growth & brilliant results
Weekly LIVE group coaching with Jess
Detailed & Downloadable Coaching Videos
Easy to follow lessons
No Social Media Involved
Exclusive Community Access
Support From Like-minded people
Discussion & Discovery boards for questions
Audio & PDF Downloads (for learners on the go)
How To's & Guide's so you're never lost
Unlimited access to your courses with your active membership!
Monthly membership with Easy Annual Option!
No commitment, cancel anytime