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What The Hell Are You Waiting For?!

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

No one is coming for you, No one will do the work for you...but if you DECIDE there are people willing to show you the way!

My mom was a dreamer who indulged in my many ideas and even had her own. Then it happened. She was GONE, and as I choked on my grief, I struggled to find direction in my life, to see anything really. Then, unexpectedly a few months later, I found one last notebook she had written in just two days before she passed. It was the last journal entry she’d ever written. It ended in ONE life changing question which would shake me to my core. Her last written words read….

" I just wonder if I've done enough in my life yet? "

> Insert Post Traumatic Growth <

Yes, RE-READ that, POST. TRAUMATIC. GROWTH. The type of situation that you either crash and burn from, or rise ABOVE. So, I’m here to show you how I ROSE. (Although I didn’t know that’s what it was yet)…I wanted to wallow in the pain of her last written words so badly, but I felt her love wrap around me and say, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR ?!!!” And with everything in my heart and soul I knew I MUST re-wire my MIND to move forward, to be her legacy, and create one of my own by simply...BECOMING.

BECOMING the woman who I always knew I’d be. I would chase the “IMPOSSIBLE DREAM”. And No one was going to create it for me. To be fair I didn’t have the exact blue prints. I just knew it had to be different than anything I’d ever done in my entire life…

AIthough, my mindset didn’t exactly change overnight, it was like the second I made the decision to BELIEVE in myself there was simply no other option.

Have you experienced something similar? Or are you still stuck in the pain?

I’d love for you to leave a comment about how you relate or what you’re feeling stuck in and tune in to the podcast to find out how you can move yourself to the next part. I know it seems impossible…but trust me, the pain you face will fuel you if you let it.

Love, Jess

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