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How Should I Feel About Weight Loss?

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Women who are paralyzed with insecurities, body dysmorphia, and lack of self acceptance do not need a "Diet Plan". They need a LIFE PLAN. So, the battle for body positivity doesn't mean that you can't feel good about becoming stronger or optimizing your health. Striving for health oriented goals with physiological measurable outcomes doesn't have to be an all out war on self-love. The key is that, it is what we make of it.

Weight loss. It never should have been about what women have to do to be good enough. It should have always been about how we can take control of our lives and know the value of our worthiness, and that physical health goals have nothing to do with measuring how lovable we are.

Trustworthy weight loss coaches have been hard at work trying to help women see custom defined results without jeopardizing self image and self esteem, with defined niches like How To Overcome Binge Eating and How To Stop Over Drinking, targeting the thought processes behind what determines our physical and mental well-being.

My favorite type of weight loss coach is someone that focuses on the thoughts that led you to your current situation, by showing you that what you're thinking might be working against you. Working through a proper thought model can help guide you towards the thoughts you want to think about yourself that will make it more likely that you get the results you're looking for.

“The world we live in is the world we CHOOSE to live in, whether consciously or unconsciously. If we choose BLISS, that’s what we get. If we choose MISERY… we get that too.”

Have you ever stopped to think about what shape your MIND is in? We have an average of 65,000 thoughts a day! And whatever those thoughts revolve around shapes the life you live.

You see, the brain cannot tell the difference between vivid imagination and reality.

So, it’s true, “whether you THINK you CAN or you THINK you CAN’T…you’re RIGHT”

All in the name of comfort zones and self preservation, we don’t usually like to take chances on ourselves. We don’t want to do what’s scary, especially when we’re unsure of the outcome.This is where self work happens…and Self WORTH takes Self WORK. When you take on any endeavor with your health, you need to ensure your operating from a place of integrity. A place where no matter what, you're enough and you have your own back.

Cue The Coaching!

Real coaches are people who have always been helpers. They're people who chose to pave a new and alternative way to help the human population grow and evolve spiritually or mentally, even physically or financially. Just depends on the coach!

If you find a really great one, they can guide and teach you how to start noticing things like your thought patterns, why they matter, how to adjust them and strengthen your overall belief system strategies. They can show you how to detox bad habits from your mind, body, space, and lifestyle. In the end, it's ideal when they help you reach your personal goals. The key is that they don't do it for you, rather they hold you accountable for taking positive action towards your desired future.

The right coaching can provide you the mental advantage to accomplish ANY goal you set your mind to!

“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve”

Change is inevitable. Progress is optional.

When you choose to take control of your body, to respect it and utilize it to its utmost potential, you will find that, not only will you be able to just breathe and digest your food easier, but you’ll create confidence, you’ll move with purpose, and your career and personal life will reflect the energy you create!

They key is to use exactly what you’ve got right now. You. LIFE. Every living persons got one, so why aren't people showing up for it? Nothing in life has ANY meaning except what we MAKE it mean.

So, they’ve either already determined #adulting sucks and dread Mondays or they are out there testing their limits. Some live with no expectations at all, numb to most of it, never believing they were meant for more or even knowing that "more" exists! Which side do you fall on? Which one would you like to be closer to?

We spend so much time showing up for the boss, friends, family, and other “social responsibilities” that we are forgetting to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first.

So, I again, I ask...How are you SHOWING UP in your life and for your life?! And how does that differ from the ULTIMATE life you are picturing for yourself?

“The only reasons we don’t have what we want in life are the reasons we CREATE why we can’t have them” - Brooke Castillo

Now, Let me tell you this;

You’re WORTH a shot at your dreams, You’re WORTH the work to live with clarity and belief in your purpose. You’re worth it All. So, I’m inviting you to take a chance on yourself, but WILL YOU?!






I get asked AAAALLLL the time, "HOW DID YOU DO IT?! How did you lose 100lbs, what program did you use, what product, how long....". And every time I spoke of the journey within, that self discovery and self worth part...their eyes would glaze over.

Here's how I made it happen!

I one hundred percent had a way that I made it happen! But, not how most people would think. I compiled all of the integral steps I took, habits I created (and dropped), and things that helped me to achieve my weight loss goals. This created what you now know as, The B.M.I Method”. It's revolved around the 3 major areas of focus to create, SUSTAIN, and OWN your major weight loss journey; Body, Mind, Identity.

Why? Because women who are paralyzed with insecurities, body dysmorphia, and lack of self acceptance do not need a "Diet Plan". They need a LIFE PLAN. A new way of thinking, moving, and self identifying. A new blueprint for relentless self-love and self-belief. So that's what I made.

Coaching programs like The B.M.I. Method are for women who are DETERMINED to take control of their lives and health and want to create unstoppable confidence and keep energy on tap! It's for women who don't roll their eyes when it comes to the idea of personal development. The type of women who want to feel sexy but also just step into the woman they've always known was somewhere inside, not hidden by the self image, but hidden by a life that told her to hide.

There's a new message here, and it's about allowing ourselves to step into the light and love we deserve from ourselves.

This covers how to fuel optional weight loss or muscle growth, the mindset to achieve the goal, and the coaching to help women step into that new identity after struggling with insecurities and “false programming” their whole lives!

And if the results you wish you create revolve around energy so you can show up in the life you desire to live, then it's good for that too! The idea here is that these concepts can be applied to any goal!

So, all I need to know is, do you choose you? I hope the answer is yes my friends.


Jess The Life Coach


“Results don’t happen overnight, but decisions do…”
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